Digerati Systems is pleased to announce the award for TX-DIR to provide Information Technology Staff Augmentation Services (IT Staffing) with Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) contract under the DIR’s Cooperative Contracts Program

Why choose Digerati ?
Digerati is a HUB Certified TX based IT Staffing and Development Company. We have been in the IT Staffing business since 2006. With 14+ years of proven delivery and steady growth, Digerati is a unique small business with credible past performance and key capabilities delivering IT Staffing Solutions to the Public Sector. We connect our clients to the technology professionals to handle the toughest challenges our clients face – That of finding the right Talent Solutions.
Contract information
Contact Information

ITSAC point of contact
Phani Vemuri
[email protected]
Tel: (412) 512-8368
Fax: (734) 503-5987
8501 Wade Blvd, Suite#520
TX- 75034
Products or Services
Services Offered
Applications/Software Development
Data/Database Administration
Web Development
Quality Assurance (QA) and Testing
Project Management
Technical Services, Help Desk and Operations
Information Technology Services Management (ITSM Operations)
IT Marketing
Information Technology Contracting and Procurement
Plans and Pricing

1. View Services & Pricing: For pricing information of IT Staffing services we offer, view our pricing section on our website (see above) or contact our DIR Senior Projects Coordinator at 412-512-8368.
2. Submit a Request for Quote: Submit a Request for Quote from Digerati Systems using our Submit a Request For Quote webform below or contact our DIR Senior Projects Coordinatorat 412-512-8368.
3. Generate a Purchase Order: Generate an IT Staffing purchase order made payable to Digerati Systems, LLC and reference the DIR Contract Number DIR-CPO-5464 on your purchase order. You may use your organizations’ purchase order form.
4. Send Purchase Order: E-mail purchase order to our DIR Senior Projects Coordinator at 412-512-8368. To fax a purchase order, send to 734-503-5987.
Submit a Request for IT Staffing
To receive a quote for DIR IT Staffing services, please complete the brief form below:
Warranty and Returns
Digerati Successful Respondent will adhere to the Successful Respondent’s then-currently published policies concerning services warranties and returns. Such policies for Customers will not be more restrictive or more costly than warranty and return policies for other similarly situated Customers for like services.